
For event calendars, volunteer lists, and regular updates, please join our weekly email blast.


Please sign the red attendance register located in each pew.  Please put full name and date.  If you are a visitor, please list your contact information on the sheet.

The poinsettias adorning our sanctuary this morning, have been made  possible by those of you who bought poinsettias in honor or memory of your loved ones. Thank You!  So, everyone can enjoy the poinsettias, we would prefer that they remain in the sanctuary through Christmas Eve. Please see the insert in the bulletin.

Handbell Choir will meet every Sunday from 12 till 1 PM in Room 102 until Christmas.

Please come and enjoy our Special Music this Christmas Season-our performers will be playing at 10:45 before service and through the service itself.

December 22 - Christmas Carolers - Veronica Page, Soprano, McKenzie Ouzts, Alto, Joel Weiss, Tenor, Grant Ebert, Bass

Items needed for God’s Helping Hands:  Cooking Oil (No Olive Oil), Jiffy Mix, Spaghetti Sauce, Juice,  Flour,  Jello,  Pudding, Dry Milk, Crackers, Cookies, Sugar,  Mixed Veggies, Ramen Noodles

Christmas Eve Service will be at 5 pm on December 24th.

The office will be closed on December 24th – December 27th and January 1st.

Worship Service for December 22, 2024

Service of Worship

Platt Springs United Methodist Church

West Columbia, SC

December 22, 2024 – 11 A.M.

4th Sunday of Advent

Welcome and Announcements                       Marguerite Sterling

*Please stand as the light of Christ is brought forward

*Choral Introit      “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”          Choir

* Call to Worship                                          Marguerite Sterling

L. Children of God, the arrival of the Promised One is almost here!

P. We wait as people of God’s promise.

L. The message of the prophets and the expectation residing in Mary’s womb call to us today.

P. We listen as people of God’s promise.

L. Mary’s “yes” and Elizabeth’s faithfulness guide our path, showing us that we too have a role to play in bearing God’s good news into the world.

P. We follow as people of God’s promise.

L. This is the promise Mary, Elizabeth, and the prophets bore that we continue to carry even today—God is with us!

P. God is with us! We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

*Hymn          “O Come, All Ye Faithful”   vs.1,2,3             UMH # 234                                        

Old Testament        Micah 5: 2-5 (CEB)                     Flo Johnson                      

Pastoral Prayer       (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)

Young Disciples            

* Affirmation of Faith                                                  UMH #881

*Gloria Patri            “Glory Be To the Father”                       # 70                                                                  

Worshipping God with Our Tithes & Offering.

Offertory:           “In the Bleak of Midwinter”        Vocal Quartet

Veronica Page, Soprano, McKenzie Ouzts, Alto, Joel Weiss, Tenor,

Grant Ebert, Bass

*Doxology   “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”   # 95    

Reading & Lighting of the Advent Wreath,   Gene Rishkofski & Brett Lowell

Gospel Reading       Luke 1:39-45    (CEB)                

Sermon                  “Jump For Joy?”                 Pastor Debbie    

*Closing Hymn       “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”       UMH # 240                  

*Benediction:    Go, now, in the blessing of God’s promise and in the assurance that our expectant joy will find its fulfillment in the God who was, who is, and who will be with us always. Amen.

*Postlude (* We invite you to stand and participate when able)

Prayer List December 22, 2024


Rick and Deree Stobaugh

David Brantley

JC Hyatt

Buck and Peggy Jones

Joan Brantley

James Ward

Vince Rhodes

Carole Eubanks

Elaine Ward

Deborah Horton

Audrey White

Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Lorine Crapps

Paul Mullins, Debbie Summer’s uncle

Bob and Jessie Sargent

Carol Crowninshield

Lucy Eden

Helen Tarbox


Ashley Steele

Timothy White, Roger Kinard’s great nephew

Phil Dennis, Lavonne Roof’s brother

Lauren Goodenough, friend of Laura Hooper

Vanessa Ready, Carole Eubanks granddaughter

Vernon Cunningham, Sandy Cobia’s brother

Danny Lane, friend of Laura Hooper

Lynda Bull, friend of Laura Hooper

Jon Hoffmeyer, friend of Sylvia Allison

Margie Horton, friend of Melody and Terry Clamp

Ethan Reynolds, Sylvia Allison’s great-grandson

Dale Golightly, friend of Ray Wood

James Baker, friend of Shirley Ward

Pat Smith


Philip Burnett, Emilie Caraway’s son-in-law

Susan Revels, Delane Reynolds’ and

Sylvia Allison’s niece

Maureen Ervin, Betty Rogers’ sister-in-law


Parker Albrecht, Navy

Connor Crouch, Army

Zach Timmons, Marine Reserve

Steven Apgar, Army

Marshall Hannon, Navy

Donovan O’Dea, Army

Micah Floyd


Shirley Padgett, Agnes Pittman’s sister-in-law

To keep in contact with everyone on our prayer list we're going to clean the names that have been here for several weeks. If your name, or a loved one's name, has been listed here for three weeks, make sure to give Melody at (803)794-3415 a call so we'll keep them listed .

PSUMC: A Great Place to Be.

Phone: 803-794-3415


3215 Platt Springs Road, West Columbia, SC 29170

Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00am to 1:00pm

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