For event calendars, volunteer lists, and regular updates, please join our weekly email blast.
If you are attending the Wednesday Night Supper, please check the number of meals in the attendance book. The meal for March 12th is Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.. The meal is $8 for adults and $4.50 for children.
Items needed for God’s Helping Hands: Cooking oil (no olive oil), Jiffy Mix, Spaghetti Sauce, Juice, Flour, Jello, Pudding, Dry Milk, Crackers, Cookies, Sugar, Mixed Veggies, Ramen noodles.
The handbell choir will meet in preparation of Lent and Easter. All are invited. Rehearsals are 12 pm to 1 pm on Sundays in Room 102.
The Nurture Committee will meet today in Room 104 at 4 pm. We will be planning for the Easter Baskets of Love.
Your United Women in Faith will be gathering for lunch on Sunday, March 23 immediately following the service . We will be going to Grecian Gardens and we can car pool with anyone who would like to . We hope all women will consider joining us ! Can let Susan Basnett, Flo Johnson or Sandy Cobia know if you plan to come so we can give the restaurant an approximate number .
🎶 Hymn-Sing Sunday is Almost Here! 🎶
Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 30—our special Hymn-Sing Sunday! In your bulletin, you’ll find an insert where you can write down your favorite hymn (number and title) and dedicate it "In Memory" or "In Honor" of a loved one.
Simply fill it out and drop it in one of the baskets as you leave church. If you’re able, we also welcome donations to our Easter Music Fund to help support the music ministry this season.
Let’s come together in song and celebration! 🎵💜
It is time to begin preparing for Easter Services and ordering your Easter Lilies. We will be ordering our lilies from Bruce’s Greenhouse. The cost is $15.07 per lily. The deadline to order is April 7th. They will be placed in the church only for Easter Sunday. Enclosed is the order form. Please complete the form along with your payment and place in the offering plate.
Service of Worship
Platt Springs United Methodist Church
West Columbia, SC
March 9, 2025 – 11 A.M.
First Sunday in Lent
Welcome and Announcements Marguerite Sterling
Welcome to Mimi Harding on the flute today in our worship service.
*Please stand as the light of Christ is brought forward
*Choral Introit “Best Are They” Choir
* Call to Worship Marguerite Sterling
L: Long ago, God rescued God’s people from slavery.
P: We are enslaved today, in many different ways.
L: God can and will rescue us. Place your trust in God’s love.
P: Our hope is in the Lord who is our refuge and our strength.
L: Even though temptations surround us, drawing us away from God,
P: We will continue to follow God and trust in God’s ways. AMEN.
*Hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” UMH #110
Old Testament Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 (CEB) Emilie Caraway
Pastoral Prayer (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)
Young Disciples Pastor Debbie
*Affirmation of Faith “The Apostles Creed” UMH #881
*Gloria Patri “Glory Be To the Father” # 70
Worshipping God with Our Tithes & Offering.
Offertory: “Ave Maria” (flute and piano)
*Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” # 95
*Gospel Reading Luke 4:1-13 (CEB)
Sermon “Put Yourself in the Wilderness” Pastor Debbie
*Closing Hymn “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” UMH # 66
*Benediction: The journey has begun. God is with you. Go forth to learn, to teach, to serve. Go bringing peace and hope to all in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
*Postlude (* We invite you to stand and participate when able)
Rick and Deree Stobaugh
Joan and David Brantley
JC Hyatt
Buck and Peggy Jones
Elaine and James Ward
Vince Rhodes
Walter Shumpert
Jessie and Bob Sargent
Lorine Crapps
Betty Rogers
Harvey Reynolds
Coretta Safriet
Nursing Homes/Assisted Living/Hospice/Rehab
Lorine Crapps
Paul Mullins, Debbie Summer’s uncle
Bob and Jessie Sargent
Carol Crowninshield
Lucy Eden
Helen Tarbox
Jan Surratt
Ashley Steele
Timothy White, Roger Kinard’s great nephew
Phil Dennis, Lavonne Roof’s brother
Lauren Goodenough, friend of Laura Hooper
Vanessa Ready, Carole Eubanks granddaughter
Vernon Cunningham, Sandy Cobia’s brother
Jon Hoffmeyer, friend of Sylvia Allison
Margie Horton, friend of Melody and Terry Clamp
Ethan Reynolds, Sylvia Allison’s great-grandson
Dale Golightly, friend of Ray Wood
Kay Pearson, friend of Jamie Guffey
Joe Randazzo, CJ Baker’s uncle
Jake Williams, friend of Laura Hooper
Tanya Harrsion
Linda Kelly, friend of Kay Rishkofski
Kim Lott, friend of Jamie Guffey
Bruce Clark
Larry Jackson, Rebecca Nobbs’ brother
Susan Revels, Delane Reynolds’ and
Sylvia Allison’s niece
Carole Eubanks
Kathleen Ploof
Brenda Ettari
Cheryl Ashley, Bob and Jessie Sargent’s daughter
Deborah Horton
Flo Johnson
Parker Albrecht, Navy
Connor Crouch, Army
Zach Timmons, Marine Reserve
Steven Apgar, Army
Marshall Hannon, Navy
Donovan O’Dea, Army
Micah Floyd
To keep in contact with everyone on our prayer list we're going to clean the names that have been here for several weeks. If your name, or a loved one's name, has been listed here for three weeks, make sure to give Melody at (803)794-3415 a call so we'll keep them listed.
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